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- Francheska Fifield
No Life, Only Death Page 5
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Page 5
“Seriously, how did you take care of all the hall sensors? They are a bitch to sneak by. Have to be quieter than a mouse. Like when I stole your file. We had quite a time getting past the recording sensors we know are in the hall.”
“We can go into my room if you want. The sensors whether for movement or sound or whatever else are gone for sure in there.” I knew I had taken care of everything, Jane taught me well. Nick looked curious and impressed. I was not about to cover that in therapy anytime soon.
“No, what I wanted to ask you wasn't personal; it’s just that it’s impressive that you could do that. Would you do my hall too?”
I smiled. “And what, make it easier for you to steal my file next time?”
He finally smiled in my presence; miracles never cease to happen.
“So, what do you really want? I doubt it is to have me take out the sensors in your hall, or to take me out to dinner because you are curious about me.”
He raised one eyebrow. It drove me nuts when he did that.
“If you plan on questioning me further, don’t. I really don’t feel up to it. I haven’t eaten all day and I get cranky when I don’t eat.”
“So come get something to eat. I definitely owe you and you’ll be able to concentrate better after you eat. When you’re done you’ll find that your headache will lessen.”
This was just another way of testing me. Celeste had problems with blood sugar. This was getting old. To admit I knew that wouldn’t bode well for me. To not admit I knew he was testing me meant I had to go, cuz I had no excuse not to. I could do that paper in a second and then I’d be stuck in here, bored. Food did sound good and free food sounded good, especially considering how my day had been going. “Fine. But this isn't a date and first time you question me about my life I will dump my drink on you. If I wanted to share more than what you already know, all which is classified - meaning you are a bit of a hacker - then I will. Understood?”
He nodded.
“Lead the way.”
He held out his arm. I rolled my eyes and started walking. This gentlemanly thing was not what I was used to. Well, every once in a while, but never from enemies. Okay, so we weren’t actually enemies, but it was getting there. Maybe this peace offering was a good thing. Less hostility meant less negative attention. He walked silently beside me, a little ahead so he could lead the way.
We walked out to meet up with his waiting friends. They all introduced themselves, and I saw a girl hanging onto John that had been whispering about me bragging about being a general, which I hadn’t done.
We started walking and for a moment I thought about my next assassination. Would Nick know I had done it? He was good, even I could admit that. I smiled, not good enough to catch me though. I missed a good old fashion challenge. I pushed the thought away and tried to lighten up and enjoy everyone’s company, while listening to an absurd story by someone named Alex. As I laughed I found I was actually enjoying my time with people. Maybe I hadn’t lost all of the people-person I had been before.
“I’ll have a burger with cheese and a large side of fries. A soda pop for me, as well.”
“Chocolate milkshake and burger, no cheese.”
I listened to everyone order. I looked at the menu. No wonder they all sucked at what they did. Listen to what they ate. It came my turn. “Small salad no dressing and a bottled water.”
Everyone looked at me like I had grown another head.
“That’s all you’re eating? No wonder you have no curves.”
Wow, women could be bitchy when they competed. I didn’t take it personally. I had to tape my breasts down when scaling a building or something. I didn’t have extremely large ones but they still managed to get in the way. I would have preferred fewer curves than I did have. But blondie was all curves and I was betting proud of it.
“I like having little curves. It makes me a more efficient killing machine. Breasts and ass just get in the way. You would need hooks and ropes to get up a building. I would just scale it. I am a more efficient model. No need to get testy just cuz your jealous. I am this small cuz I don’t over eat and under work my body. Curves mean fat and fat means slower reflexes.” I shrugged and took a drink of my water. She looked furious. The boys were laughing and saying something about her being burned. I never got that. If I wanted to burn her I would actually do it.
“You wanna see how slow my curves don’t make me outside?”
“Bad idea, darling… I have known this girl for over two years and she is better than anyone I have ever met, excluding myself of course.”
I turned to the familiar voice. “Phillip!” I got out of my chair and rushed into a giant hug. Phillip had saved my life once when I went on a suicide mission. It was right after the enemy had destroyed my entire flight. I had saved his life once before and he said he couldn’t let me die before he repaid that debt. So when he had found out where I had snuck off to he had come after me, and just in the nick of time.
“Hey sweetheart, how are you doing? My handler finally decided to enroll me. I asked for likeliest competition and he smiled and handed me your file. When did you get here?”
I released him and stood back. “A few days ago. Almost got expelled too.”
“Already? What day?”
“My second. Well first official class day.”
He rubbed his chin as if thinking.
“So I need to bust my butt to get into trouble tomorrow. Can never let you take a record from me again.”
I smiled and turned to the group of people I was with. “I beat Phillips record for shooting. Got the most targets from a farther distance, doing rapid fire. He held the record before I came along. We have been adversaries ever since.”
“You don’t act like adversaries.”
That one sentence held a bit more emotion than anyone should let out in public. Emotions weren’t something you showed around competition and here everyone was a competitor. It almost sounded like jealousy. Which meant Nick still thought I was his Celeste. I sighed. He needed to learn to hold this part of him back better. Before I could say something, Phillip did.
“Oh, sounds like someone is jealous. I thought you didn’t take boyfriends? Too much drama you always said.”
I shrugged. I had said that. “I don’t. This isn't a date.”
“Well, it looks like a date. One male to every female and you with this boy. I was always hoping it’d be me you ran to when you discovered how lonely you really were.”
He grabbed me around the waist and I giggled. Phillip flirted with everyone and I knew he was just joking. He was actually a big women’s rights advocate. He didn’t think women were weak or stupid like most men. He knew in a fight I would be a challenge, it’s why he liked me so much.
Phillip and I were close because of what we had gone through together. He had seen the alien enemy while saving me. We had been bonded then, against a common enemy and by our pasts. His sister, his only family, had been killed on a simple mission. She had worked as a geologist. While her crew was bringing back mineral samples from a potential new colony her ship had been attacked. She had been killed, leaving Phillip a complete orphan. He had vowed revenge and, like I had, got a handler that meant business.
“Oh Phillip, you are too much of a player for me.” I pulled away. I sat back down but turned to look at him. Phillip took a closer look at the people I was with. No doubt he had read files on the top students. Few here were that. There was one face he did recognize though.
“Is he…?”
I started to panic. “Phillip.” I shook my head no. He stopped but he looked uneasy. Everyone looked on, curious to know what we were all about.
“Helen, I need to talk to you outside now, please.” His voice was strained.
I stood and we went a few paces away. I shook my head when he pulled my arm towards the exit. “Phillip, I already know what you are going to say and I don’t need to hear it. I know the consequences of my actions and I’m not getting involved w
ith him. He is the perfect cover. He is a straight A student and has massive fighting potential. He has questioned me and I have deterred him. I’m using him as cover, nothing more.”
He got closer. “But are you prepared for what will happen to him? Do you not understand that you will be punished, yes, but he will bear most of it? If Jane finds out you are getting close to him she will never believe you can keep it strictly business. I myself have doubts you can do it. He will die for this so-called friendship. If you don’t have to kill him they will hire someone in the school capable of doing it.”
I looked at the floor tiles. I could read Phillip’s voice and knew what he was saying. “When did you get the offer?”
“A month ago. Around the time of your birthday. I turned it down, but next time they will offer more and my handler won't let me turn down another offer like theirs. I said no because of you but I can't forever, you know. I have paid my debt to you. We are even and I can't do you any favors.”
“So from here on out I’ll watch my back and Nick’s as well.”
“You care too much.”
“I can't let him die just because I need alibis here and he happens to make the perfect one.”
He nodded and pulled back. Phillip was the only one in this school I was worried about. If anyone could get by me to Nick it would be him. He was like me only not a part of the military. It limited him in some ways but it also gave him more freedom. I had to watch myself in the presence of military, he didn’t. He turned and started to leave.
“Oh, and Phillip.” He turned back to me. “You watch yours as well, because first word I get I’m not waiting for you, I’m coming for you.”
He nodded. Neither of us wanted it this way. But we were both out for revenge and vengeance will carry you a long way. I sorrowed at the loss of a friend, but I wasn’t giving up my vengeance for his and I wouldn’t let more innocents get hurt while I was around. It was worth it, right?
“Are you ok, Helen?”
Nick whispered in my ear as he put a hand on my shoulder. I hoped he hadn’t heard that. It would confirm everything he had thought about me being Celeste. I nodded and kept looking at the door.
“He saved my life once. Said he owed me. I had saved his earlier that year. But my getting him out was easy. He came after me when I boarded an enemy ship and went on a suicide mission without my commander’s knowledge. I was about to receive a killing strike when he found me. We spilled our stories out on the way home. We are both out to avenge people we knew or the life we lost. I can't imagine having to fight him. We have always competed but it was always friendly. Nothing overly serious. I just wish things could be different.”
Nick sighed. “You two have been through a lot together, haven’t you?”
I nodded “yeah, I guess we have”. I shouldn’t be saying this. I shouldn’t be telling him this.
“Come on, let’s eat. Maybe tomorrow you two can work out whatever problem you now have with each other. When two people have been through so much with each other they shouldn’t fight. We are all together in this fight. We should focus on fighting the alien not each other. ”
“You’re right, but people have always been self destructive and that isn't about to change, even if we face a greater threat than each other.”
He smiled and turned me around to face him.
“You should trust more. Have a little faith. People can do miraculous things when they need to.”
I thought about it. “Yes, but they are more well known for doing terrible things.”
He shrugged. “Not always. Scientists have created cures; architects have built on other worlds, solving the issue of space on Earth. Great things have happened; you just have to look closer to see them.”
I nodded and sat back down. I started picking at my salad. Missy - the blonde, go figure that was her name - started talking about how cute Phillip was, asking how I knew him and how long we had been lovers. She was so transparent.
I answered her questions honestly. We had never dated or been lovers; yes, we had worked together, blah, blah, blah. She was trying to make me look bad to Nick. Could she be more obvious that she liked him? I wanted to tell her to feel free to pursue him cuz I wasn't but I didn’t think she’d take it so well.
I looked over to see if Nick noticed her attractions. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t seem to care what she said. John looked to be getting annoyed with her obsession about Phillip though. I smiled and waited for the explosion.
Finally the meal ended. Missy was still talking as we headed outside to see the fireworks. We stood in the parking lot and I put my hand up catching a knife that flew straight at my face. Had I not intercepted it, it would have landed between my eyes. Only Phillip. I closed my eyes, listened and threw it back to the side. He was smart, moving once the weapon was thrown. But too noisy for me not to hear him. I opened my eyes as I heard a clatter. He had another knife from the sound of it. I turned back to the fireworks. Everyone looked shocked and wondered why I didn’t chase the perpetrator.
“He just wants to make sure I haven’t gone soft,” I said aloud for the benefit of the others, who now looked around anxiously for daggers coming at them. “You are all safe, I promise.” That seemed to, oddly enough, be reassuring and everyone continued to watch the fireworks. They were beautiful. Nick put his arm over my shoulder. He had done that when I had been sad. It had made me feel safe and loved. But now was not then and I was alone no matter how many people surrounded me. I shrugged it off and he didn’t try again. I wish I could have let him leave it there. To feel safe and loved just for a second would be an amazing feeling.
I started to think about Phillip’s words. He was right. I was punishing myself. Nick would be the one to take the fall for this. I wouldn’t let it happen. Perhaps Jane was right, I was going soft. I would tell her the truth. He was cover. That’s all. I sighed. Who was I trying to convince?
The fireworks ended and we all separated to go back to our dorms. Nick insisted on walking me back.
“It’s ok, I would actually like to walk alone a bit. It’s nice out so don’t worry. And I can take care of myself.” He knew that full well but he was reluctant. “Really, I have some thinking to do anyway.”
“Then I should be with you so you don’t decide that this was a bad idea. You are lonely. Even if you don’t show it, I can tell. It wouldn’t hurt to have a friend, you know. Not everyone is out to backstab everyone else and get political gain from it.”
“Mmmm. Maybe but I’m not used to people who don’t expect something from me. See, I live in the real world where everyone is out to beat everyone else. Whether it is for political gain or the higher rank. You need to realize that this school isn't here for you to learn. It is here for you to compete. That’s why they have the sensors, cameras and so on everywhere. It’s all one big test.”
He laughed. “You are the grimmest person I have ever met. You need to relax.”
“Maybe, but people who relax end up dead. You saw the princess, didn’t you? She was so overly confident that I kicked her ass in less than ten seconds. Relaxed means not prepared.”
“I think I know why you made general so fast.”
I looked at him. He looked bewildered and like he was going to laugh at me for having a stick up my ass. It made me laugh. I couldn't help it. Life was so fucking awful. Everything seemed to work against me.
He held out his arm. I took it. We started walking back to my dorm. It started to rain and we started to run. We were laughing and breathless when we reached my room. I smiled and thanked him for dinner. I got my door open and walked in before he could say anything. I turned to the chair in my room.
“Did you have to throw the knife? You scared everyone shitless.”
Phillip smiled. I turned on the light and grabbed my nightclothes. I went into the bathroom, leaving the door open so I could still hear him.
“It’s their own fault they are too stupid to hear a knife coming straight at them.”
/> “They haven’t had the intense training we have had.”
“Oh, a week ago you would have said worse about them. And now because you have your old life back, you defend them. Don’t get soft, Helen. We are killers and he has no place in that life. He joined to protect and serve. That isn't why we do this. We have our own reasons and they are not so noble. You need to be careful or you are going to get burned.”
“Why do people use that phrase? I never understood it. You know how much I hate it. It’s so stupid and I never want to hear it from your mouth again. I don’t have any life but the one I am leading now. I am here to graduate, gain a rank or two, kill some people, and move on. I told you, it’s just for cover. Besides, now that you’re here I can hang out with you. Unless you get into trouble. Then stay away. Jane will kill me if I get into anymore trouble and she always said you were a bad influence on me.” I pulled a brush through my hair then gave up and sat in front of Phillip. He took the brush and started doing a better job than I had. Gentler too
“Just remember we don’t have the time or room for romance. We have time for killing. Besides, you have already started slacking. You had a job to get done by tonight, if I am not mistaken. You haven’t done it yet, have you?”
“I have it taken care of. And actually, it is due by tomorrow.” I sat patiently, waiting for him to finish. He worked on my knots as gently as possible.
“Oh, how?”
“Someone else is planning an assassination on him tonight in about ten minutes, actually. If she succeeds then no fingers pointing my way. If not, I will know and take care of it in the morning.”
“Sometimes you impress even me.”
He finished brushing my hair and quickly braided it. I stood and he handed me the brush. “Thanks, I hate doing that by myself. My hair is hell.”
“You are a world renowned assassin and a spy to boot. You are one of the best soldiers I have ever met and your hair intimidates you more than anything? What kind of soldier are you, lady?”