Rooming With the Supernatural Read online

  Rooming with the Supernatural

  Book 2 of the Hidden World Series

  Copyright © 2019 Francheska Fifield

  Cover design by M.B. Martin

  Editor Corey Brooks

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 1


  "Amber are you done packing yet?"

  Fiona yells up to me. "Almost! I cannot find my favorite workout pants!"

  "Come eat then look for them!"

  I toss the clothing I am holding and sigh. She’s right, food is needed. I am getting hangry. A wonderful combo of hungry and angry that seems to make others back away slowly like I am a crazed beast. Ironic considering those around me are Vamps. Ahhh irony, always the spice of life.

  I bolt down the stairs and almost manage a clean landing when I miss a step. Al raises an eyebrow; he is waiting at the bottom in case I need help, but walk on saying nothing about my lack of grace.

  "Don't give me that look I had a clean landing!"

  He shrugs and chuckles as he sits down grabbing some food. Rare steaks…mine is medium. It doesn’t bother me to see them eating bloody food. The wolves do it too. Selene always shudders and Heather cries. They don't come over for dinner anymore.

  "Alistair, can you help Amber pack when dinner is over?"

  I blow my bangs out of my face. I need a trim. This is unmanageable.

  "I can pack for college on my own you know!"

  Fiona either doesn’t believe me or is back to being over protective. I am guessing the latter. After all Al and I are off to college in less than a week. She won’t be able to watch over the frail little human me.

  "Mom I know you are worried, but I won't be the only human there. And besides, Al and I are in the same grade and taking a lot of the same classes. I think a full half of them are the same. I am fairly sure he won't let anything eat me if I somehow offend someone."

  It isn’t likely. I have been taking etiquette classes with what seems like a million different races. I know how to greet them, recognize rank, spot subtle species differences. I am a freaking walking supernatural encyclopedia.

  "Of course, I won't let anyone eat Amber."

  "Took you long enough to jump in."

  He smiles showing his teeth for effect. I roll my eyes. Al has loosened up and developed a sense of humor. I take full credit…except that it tends to lean towards sarcasm. Why I am not sure, but I am blaming that part on genetics.

  The more he speaks up the more I regret teaching him to talk. Fiona says it is like having a child, teaching them to talk then realizing it means back talk is a thing. Suddenly teaching your child to speak is a mistake you live to regret for life.

  "Don't want you thinking I’m your bodyguard."

  "I can take care of myself. I am devising a way to make healing ‘bombs,’ so to speak. The medicine will be turned to a powder or something similar and when thrown the bomb will explode putting the cure in the air. It could combat airborne viruses and such. Also heal a large group in wartimes. It could be used for harm, but I plan to keep the process entirely a secret. I am not writing a single step or ingredient down."

  "That sounds dangerous…"

  Moms always says that…or at least mine does. "Mom it’s fine. At the end of each year we have to present a final in our chosen field to prove we deserve to move on to the next level. I will be spending an entire year perfecting it. I’ll be careful. No rushing. Promise."

  She nods and smiles.

  "I remember going to college. Of course, it was only Vampires, but it was still so fun. I met you father there. He used to be shy. Can you imagine? A real easy blusher."

  Fergus clears his throat glaring at his wife. She laughs and blows him a kiss.

  "It's true dear."

  "Our stories are pointless since their experience will be so different."

  Sometimes Fiona acts so much younger than her age. This is one of those times. She rolls her eyes then gives Fergus a wicked looking smile.

  "Dear, no matter how different the school, going somewhere new, making new friends, making new enemies, and falling in love is always the same. Alistair has never asked about how we met, but I think they should know. It will help them prepare for the experiences…"

  I finish up my meal and stand.

  "I think I would rather not hear the details of the parental love. I am going to finish packing."

  Al stands looking relieved. "I'll help you."

  We don’t even wait to be excused just rush out of there before the parents get mushy in front of us….so wrong.

  "That was close."

  I nod my agreement. "Way to close. Hope they make it to the bedroom. I don’t want to have to go to the bathroom eyes closed and hands over my ears."

  Al laughs and helps me finish packing. When he leaves to go to his room for the night we are in luck. Fiona and Fergus are in their own room.


  He walks into his room unresponsive. Well I wouldn’t want to think about it if it were my parents either. On the surface they are mine, but it is not like with Al. He comes from them and this is how it happened. Way too disturbing.

  I shiver and close my door throwing on some PJs and climbing into bed to read until I am tired. A perfect end to the day.

  The next morning, I go to my potions cabin and set everything up for storage. I am bringing my ingredients and premade potions, I am allowed to given my major, so all I have to do is make sure the plants will be fine alone. Fiona has already agreed to let my friend Marcus come and care for them.

  "Amber, is now a good time?"

  I wave Marcus in as I carefully pack vials into a case of foam for safe travel.

  "So, this is all you have left after the harvest?"

  I nod. "There wasn’t much left. but some of these plants are hard to get to grow in the first place. I cannot fully harvest them unless I never want access to them again. I have traded mountains of potions for a single seed. I would rather not go through that again. Here are the instructions."

  I hand him a notebook which he skims through. I know he will look through it more thoroughly later.

  "It's too bad you aren't going to college Marcus. I mean. I am glad you are here to care for my plants, there's no one I trust more to care for them. It's just going to be weird having potions without you."

  "Well I don’t really need college to care for the garden back home. Hands on training was all I ever needed and I have plenty."

  Marcus had finally shown his parents how much he loves the garden and how much he hates people. The potions teacher and I might have had something to do with his family getting the hint. His brother, one year younger, is on his last year of high school. Then he will go to college for business and take over the store itself.

  Marcus is relieved and his brother is thrilled. As immature as he can seem, he is charming and I have no doubt will easily convince people to buy more than they need of everything.

  "True. I wouldn’t be going except…"

  "Except it's your fault the races banded together to create the college in one summer and you promised to be a human guinea pig."

  He is not wrong. Also, because I have to know more about the races. More than just their strengths and weaknesses; their
biology. I am the only person or supernatural that will have classes representing a race I am not. Humans will have human classes, maybe a supernatural one or two if they are pets and need to know how to help their masters. Vampires will stick with Vampires and Fae with Fae.

  It is not all I want out of this, but they are all together in one building, not just the small community we live in, but supernaturals from all over the world. It is exciting they have come this far. Trusting another species around their next generation of leaders and warriors, healers and business men and women. It is a miracle in itself. The rest will happen in baby steps. I am going to be there from the ground up. I can’t wait.

  The most exciting thing is the opening speech. The principle, I still haven't heard who got the job, will announce the abolishment of the 'pet' system. Humans will be part of this world without being 'owned'. They can work for Vampires or be their lovers, same with all the other species, but they are to be paid a fair wage if working and, no matter what, the human will now be free to leave for any reason. They still have the death penalty for sharing secrets to outsiders, but as I said, one step at a time.

  "Well either way I need to be there. I can't help improve the lives of all the races if I don’t get to know them."

  He shrugs. I am well aware Marcus thinks I am taking a chance that is unlikely to pay off. He is smart, patient, and very cautious. I always feel that is why he makes an almost magical gardener. His qualities are perfect for understanding the flora of the world. I am a bit bolder. He thinks it is crazy, but I think the same of him. Nothing ventured nothing gained I always say. We agree to disagree.

  "Did you and Heather have an okay goodbye?"

  My witch friend Heather and my witch friend Marcus have been dating for three months now. They are going to do the long-distance relationship. I am glad because they are perfect for each other.

  "Well as good as the word bye can be."

  I get that. When my sister and I had our goodbye, I bawled on Fiona the entire night. It will happen again when I said bye to her and I doubt Al will let me cry on him. Maybe Selene or Heather will. If only I room with one or both of them. We won’t know until we get there. So much unknown makes me as nervous as I am excited.

  "I get that. My sister and I …well it was hard. I am excited but…" I trailed off but Marcus knows. He is nothing if not empathetic.


  I just nod and wipe a stray tear away. The Vamp family will smell the salty tears if this gets out of hand.

  "We will be back for breaks."

  "We already have plans made."

  I smile and sigh in relief. "Good. Its good you both are putting in the effort."

  He shifts a bit and looks out the window. He waves my notebook and nods to the outside.

  "I have to go. I will read this tonight."

  "Here is my spare key."

  He takes it and the notebook and rushes out. I hope I haven't depressed him too badly with the goodbye talk. If I have Heather will fix it later. I can do nothing but root for them to succeed.

  "Well here's to hoping I survive year one to see them be happy."

  I walk out back to my home. It is home now. It will always be home. But for the next four years I will be leaving it to study. At the end of those four years there will be peace amongst the races and my goal met. My plan a success. Then I can come back and plan the rest of my life…I just have to survive the next four years.

  Chapter 2

  Two days later we load our things into Al's jeep. It is time. We are only bringing a couple of bags each, things we will need the first couple of weeks. This coming weekend Fiona and Fergus will bring the rest of our things.

  I have already said my goodbyes to my little sister, my friends, and my family. But still I stand by the car looking at the home I spent the last leg of my life living in. It doesn’t seem like long, but it felt like forever. Which makes no sense, but it is so true. Relativity I suppose. All I know is I am sad to be leaving; while also super excited about this new chapter in my life. Being a college student is hard and confusing and I haven't even started classes yet.

  Though honestly, I look forward to those. It is the roommate situation I don’t like. I will be housed in the witch dorms because my quirk makes me closest to a witch.

  Other humans that were originally pets or lover of Vampires will live in their own dorms. I bet most are excited to have their own space, even if they share it with another human. They will now get education and can leave a Vamps service if they are being treated poorly. It is more than they had before and I helped it change. I am proud…and overwhelmed at all that has to happen these next few years.

  I kind of hope Heather and I will be roomies. It is not likely though. They will put me with someone I don’t know…I hope they speak English. I hope all my teachers do as well. I am learning a bit of the Vampire language, but it is not as easy as learning a regular new language. No, Vampires add micro gestures into their talking and people don’t have control over those the way Vamps do. It makes for a…. interesting conversation. Yeah, interesting.

  "We are going to be late Amber."

  I nod, breaking my train of thought, push away the desire to run back inside and hug Fiona, and climb into the jeep. Off we go.

  "It's only three days before we see them again."

  "I know. You've had a loving family your entire life so you wouldn’t understand how scary it is to leave behind the one chance I have at having that in my future."

  "So, it’s a psychological thing? Like abandonment issues, but in reverse."

  I sigh and lean my head against the window. Hurray for AC. "No one wants to lose happiness when they find it. There are many cases where people lose it because they hold too tight, but there are even more cases where they do not appreciate what they have and lose everything."

  Al doesn’t look away from the road, but I know he is watching me from the corner of his eye. He always observes me when I speak. Looking for those micro expressions I can’t control. It tells him more than words ever could. Which is why I never bother lying to Vampires. Werewolves can smell it, Vampires can see it, and Fae feel an itch when someone lies to them. Really, lying to the supernatural community is stupid as hell. I have become very frank very quickly.

  "Humans are a confusing lot. Why do you insist on proof of affection? Why do you not simply believe it there?"

  "I guess because we have short lives, we also have shorter attention spans. It's too easy for us to find something new and exciting and get pulled away from what's really important to us. Then we look back and realize we regret it all. But by then it's too late. Our lives are half gone and we cannot go back."

  "This is not one of those times. You are not making a mistake. Mom and dad will be visiting and we will visit them as well. You are doing this for the greater good. You've worked hard for this. Mom especially is proud of what you are working to accomplish."

  "I hope I can live up to such lofty expectations."

  For once Al laughs at me for seemingly no reason. "Let me in on the joke…"

  "You don't realize you have already far exceeded her expectations. A mere human teaching my family to be a real family. The mocking at royal court events would never end if we actually went. She brags about you to everyone she knows."

  I blush and keep my face pressed against the cool window. I know Fiona loves me, but I didn't know she is also proud of me. It is hard to earn and I am glad I have her love, trust, and faith. I can survive anything as long as I know she believes in me.

  "How about you Al? Did I surpass whatever expectations you had when you convinced your mother and father to adopt me?"

  "I never had any. I just assumed we would keep you safe until you were old enough to fend for yourself. It took no time at all for you to integrate yourself into the family and become one of us. I hadn't seen it happening that way if that’s what you mean. I suppose you created expectations for me rather than surpassing them."

  I don’t kn
ow how to respond so I say nothing. Just close my eyes and bask in the feeling of being loved and safe. This moment will stay with me for all time.

  We arrive at what appears to be a parking garage with a long ass line. I turn off the AC and roll down the window half climbing out. Are all these people Supers? I mean seriously, how backed up is this? And why the hell are we not in the hidden pocket that regular people can’t find unless they already know about it.

  "Amber get back in here."

  I climb in. "Al why are we at a parking garage?"

  "Roll up the window. Trust me."

  I do as he asks and re-buckle. "So…"

  Suddenly we are driving into the entrance and then we are parking in front of a bloody large castle!

  "WHAT THE!!!!"

  Al chuckles and puts the windows back down. I hang out as we all drive, following the directions of the flag wavers. We park where they say and get out grabbing our bags. I look back and see a portal. Cars are driving through but not all the ones I saw in line.


  "Oh, it's magic. The humans go to the garage and we come here."

  "How do they not see that?"

  "Mind magic is a powerful thing."

  I know that from personal experience, but this is a whole different level. "Wow this is so cool."

  I want to look at the portal closer, but all the cars make it dangerous. Not to mention I have a sort of brother handing me a bag. I toss my backpack on and go to grab my duffel. Al grabs it holding his in one hand and mine in the other. He has his backpack on as well. What a show off beef cake.

  "Let's go. I'll get your stuff to your room then find mine."

  "Find yours first so I know where you are if I need to find you."

  He nods and starts walking. He doesn’t ask for directions so I can only assume he has memorized the castle layout…show off.

  "Al you make us normal's look bad."


  I laugh, pat his backpack and stride next to him. "Never mind. Just lead the way pack mule."

  He rolls his eyes, but doesn’t miss a step. I like having someone around that takes my joking in stride. Too many people are far too serious these days. I get that some occasions call for a serious outlook, but college is not one of them.