No Life, Only Death Read online

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  “Oh, General Hoocker, you flatter me. But I think they would do so much more hearing your stories.”

  “But I have never had airtime against the aliens like you.”

  I sighed. “And sir, I pray you never will. I was the only one to make it back alive. Believe me, it was mostly due to your earlier training. They couldn’t have picked a better teacher. Sir, I do not ever plan to tell those stories. I had to relay them to my commanding officer and handler at the time and that was more than enough.”

  He nodded, understanding. “Can’t say I blame you. It was a massacre from what I hear. And you the only pilot to return alive… you must have lost comrades in that battle.”

  I nodded. In fact I had. I had been a rookie and some of the older kids had taken me under their wings. They had become friends over the next year before we were sent on a suicide mission. I had punched the commanding officer upon returning. “Yes, sir. Hard times.”

  “But now you are back to learn about some of the new toys we have, eh? Ready to take the battle back out there are you?”

  I smiled at him and saluted. “Yes, sir!”

  “Good now take a seat and let me teach these kids a thing or two about planes. You interrupt me if I say something wrong. Your young mind has a far better memory than mine, I am sure.”

  I laughed. “Sir, your memory is as good as when you were my age and don’t you pretend otherwise.” I walked up to my seat. Class began.

  Note taking is boring. Note taking sucks. That is all my paper said. I already had flown the planes we were covering right now. Class was boring. General Hoocker himself had most of the class hooked on what he was saying, but I had flown. These rookies hadn’t even seen a plane up close, well, other than a commercial plane. I looked around and noticed Nick passing notes around. Well, well, not quite the perfect little student his record made him out to be.

  “Perhaps General Helen here could explain what riding in one of these planes is like. She has had more recent airtime than I have and the engines have been upgraded to go faster and make you feel less propulsion. Does it work, General?”

  I smiled. Ass, he knew I wasn't paying attention and wanted to put me on the spot. “Well sir, you don’t get slammed into the back of your seat anymore. However, I liked the older models better. They may have gone a bit slower but the agility was better and the control as well. The new ones get you so caught up in speed that you forget that there are other important things to be working with. I don’t think rookies should be near the new models. No less than one year of flight training and airtime should be required before they are even allowed near a newer model.”

  “Well said. Well then maybe I shall have to request an older model for these chicks and a newer model for you and I to play in when we do flight time.”

  I smiled. These kids were all gonna hate me. Oh well, sorry Jane. Keeping them on their toes and teaching them to be better soldiers was the job of this institution and I had to go with that. If she didn’t like it she shouldn’t have enrolled me. “Yes, sir.”

  “Or maybe for our first field trip I’ll take us all to the nearest base with these new models and have some pilots volunteer to take us all for a spin. How does that sound class?”

  A multitude of cheers and ‘yeahs’ went up. These rookies would lose their breakfast. I shouldn’t say anything, but I couldn't help it. “Sir, don’t let them eat anything for a few hours before flight time. I doubt any of them can keep their breakfast down in one of those for the first time.”

  “Did you keep yours?”

  A blond boy raised his hand and asked before General Hoocker could ask what he wanted.

  I smiled a feline smile. “Yes, yes I did soldier and when you lose yours, remember that.”

  Class continued and I figured that by the end of the day no one would see me as just another girl attending college, so to speak, but as a freak mutant. Already the rumors about my fight with the Princess circulated and now everyone would know I was a general. The youngest in the history of any of the worlds, except the galaxy general. However, it had taken me way less time to become general than him so I figured we were even. Goody just couldn't wait until the end of class.

  As it turned out, it went even worse than I had imagined while thinking about all the possibilities in class. I went to the locker room to drop off my books that I didn’t need tonight, having no homework in those classes, and overheard angry whispering. Most people don’t know that whispering is actually louder than just talking quietly. It has to do with your eardrums and certain frequencies.

  “I hear something about a stupid new girl that is only here to rub in everyone’s faces that she is a general already.”

  How rude are they? As if I do not know that it is me they are talking about. I hate this part. The jealous girls that pretend to be your friend and backstab you. Well I hadn’t made friends yet so now they were just being spiteful. I turned to leave the locker room. Jealous girls are always out to prove something and I couldn’t afford another fight on my record on my first day of school. I got out and some guy was standing outside the door. He smiled when I walk out.

  “Were you waiting for me?”

  “Yes, I was. You were in my planes class. The girl that has made general. They say yours parents bought you that title. Is it true?”

  How did rumor start so quickly? We had been out of class less than five minutes.

  “I am an orphan and my parents were sheep herders before they died, so what do you think?” I wasn’t being polite, but attitude I could do well, and besides who would ask that upon first meeting?

  “So you made it through pure skill. Impressive. I noticed you know the professor. He told me you two flew together before you were sent into battle.”

  “That is true. Why?”

  “How about we go to this cozy little diner I know and you tell me all about your fighting of the enemy we all face.”

  It was more of a command than a request. Yeah right, tough guy. So he wants position or the advantage. Probably gonna use my stories for his own.

  “What should I tell you about? The suicidal battle the fleet sent us into where I watched my friends get shot down one by one, or how I punched my commanding officer for sending us all out there to die? Which would amuse you more? The funerals with no coffins because there were no bodies? The crying families asking me why I made it back and their kids didn’t?

  “Well, let me tell you something, I don’t care how popular you are and I don’t care what you think you can do for me, but I think you had better squirm back under that rock you crawled out from under before I squish you like the vermin you are.”

  I didn’t yell but I made my point, and if looks could kill than I would have died, been resurrected and died again. I turned and walked away. Screw putting my books away. I just needed to get away from here. I stomped across campus to the dorms.

  “Hey, wait up!”

  I heard Nick’s voice. Was this annoy-Helen day or what? “Urrggg!” and I walked faster.

  “Hey, wait!”

  I stopped and turned my fists balled and ready to punch him.

  “You can walk really fast, you know that?”

  “What do you want”, I snapped. I really wasn't in the mood for this. Some very painful memories had been brought up just because some asshole wanted a piece of ass. And whether it was supposed to or not, it was kind of getting to me.

  “I wanted to apologize for being so pushy, so I thought I might ask if you wanted to come to this diner we go to after class and hang out. My treat. I owe you at least a smoothie after all of the trouble I have caused you.”

  I started to think about it. Jane would say ‘no, kill him’. My heart said yes and my mind said… beep. Beep? My watched beeped. Dammit, I had a meeting I was late for. “Shit, I am late and I was hoping to drop these off first. Oh well, I gotta go.”

  I marched away before he could say anything. I didn’t want to have to answer anyway. I broke into a run. Maybe I could
be only slightly late.

  Chapter Three (Helen)

  I arrived, to my astonishment, on time. Then I remembered I always set my watch ahead five minutes so I wouldn’t be late. I was breathing a little heavy when I entered the room, Jane, the headmaster and offending teacher looked at the door.

  “I’m sorry, I was catching up with someone I know and lost track of time.”

  The headmaster nodded to a chair before answering. “Not at all. You are one second before your due time. Cutting it close, but teens will get to talking sometimes, especially the girls. No matter. Sit and let’s talk about your digressions, my girl. So I hear you injured, severely, one of our students and back talked a teacher.”

  “Sir, if I may intervene, I object to that first offense against my girl. I have talked to kids in the class and they all said it was self-defense. The nurse also did find the hidden dagger that my charge said she had and no doubt would have used had Helen not stopped her. Also, I believe it was your teacher’s fault. If he cannot control his students he should not be teaching. A wise man knows how to soothe tempers, or at least use them to his best advantage. Your man just stood there and listened to the argument, as I hear it.”

  “Yes, well we shall address that later. About the other transgression.”

  Jane had neatly talked me out of that one, now it was my turn. “Sir, I know I was disrespectful and there is no excuse for it. I have dealt with superiors before and never have I acted so badly. I have no excuse. I was upset and uncertain. Someone had just tried to kill me - or at least beat me up - and I have only been here two days and don’t know many people. I have been on the defensive lately. I am not used to this set up. I am very sorry and I will accept whatever punishment you deem necessary.”

  I awaited his decision and decided I wasn’t done performing. I stood up and walked over to the teacher getting me in trouble. I gave him a sweet, innocent smile and bowed at the waist. “I am most sorry to you, sir. I disrespected you. You are my elder and my teacher; I should be accepting your wisdom and teachings. You have, after all, been doing this longer than I. I hope you can forgive me once I have earned your trust and respect again.”

  Then I sat back down and kept my face neutral. A knock sounded and the headmaster invited the intruder in. I was relieved and afraid that this would ruin my show. Damn, this will give him more time to think. But then I saw my old friend - the general - walking in. I held back my smile but he saw it in my eyes and winked at me.

  “Headmaster, I have heard a disturbing rumor that this girl might be expelled. How can that be? She is the best student we have and will make this school proud. I have known her for three years and never has she acted rashly. If she did something unorthodox, she had reason and sound reason at that. How can you punish a girl who is nervous and getting crap from everyone around her because she has already made general? I heard the rumors of how people think she got that star. She earned it, sir, and for anyone to say different is beyond disrespect. How can you punish her for sticking up for herself?”

  The headmaster sighed and looked me in the eye. He wanted to expel me but he couldn’t. I had been unorthodox but I hadn’t technically done anything to warrant expulsion.

  “Well it seems I was not given all of the facts. Very well. Helen, you are free to go and remain a member of this school. But try to stay out of any more fights that are not a part of your training.”

  “Yes, sir.” I bowed politely and the general was enthusiastic.

  “Sir, you are a wonderful judge of character! I always said you were the best man for this job! You won't be sorry, sir!”

  We were ushered out of the room. Jane sighed and smiled at the general.

  “Well, I am glad that is over. General, thank you for your help. Helen, try not to fight with the other kids. I have another meeting. Try to be good. I will be out of the country for a few days but I will see you before you go to Paris. If I can't, I will send a message. Also, get that thing we talked about done in the next two days, all right? I want it finished when I get back. A full report, so study up. Again, General, thank you for everything, but I am late and really must go.”

  Jane hurried down the hall, her heels clacking on the tiles.

  “How did you know I was in trouble?”

  “A young man came to me and told me the trouble you had gotten into. I think he is quite taken with you.”

  “Oh please don’t be bathroom boy.”


  “Oh, I said that out loud. Well a boy was waiting outside the locker room for me and was trying to charm me into telling war stories. Seemed like he needed something to tell his friends and my stories would work just as well as if they were his own.”

  “Oh, I don’t think it is the same boy. I have taught classes with this boy for over a year and he is not the type to lie. He is a good boy. You couldn’t have caught a better one’s eye, believe me.”

  “Well I am supposed to be making friends, so introduce away.”

  “He is right there.”

  I turned and guess who it was… Nick. I should have known. “Are you stalking me or do you just enjoy tormenting me?”

  The general looked shocked. “Helen, this boy is…”

  “I know who he is. He has been harassing me since I got here. He thinks I’m someone I’m not and has basically called me a liar when I deny it; every conversation we have had. Also, he was passing notes in your class, General.” I threw that last one in for good measure. The general looked none too happy and turned to glare at Nick.

  “That’s why I asked if you wanted to go the diner and get something to eat, my treat. I have been a royal pain in the ass and I want to make it up to you. Besides, I know you don’t have any friends. Most people wouldn’t go near someone who broke a girl’s arm in ten places at once.”

  I stared angrily and then a bit exasperated. He was stubborn. The general gave me an ‘I told you so’ look. Damn men were giving me headache. “I just want to go to my room, crawl into bed and sleep this headache away. Maybe some other night.”

  I started to walk. I could hear him excuse himself from the General’s company and run towards me. I wondered briefly if my locked dorm room door would keep him out or if he would just sit outside my door all night.

  “I’ll walk you. You should have an escort everywhere the next few days, so no one can say you did something wrong. The boy you told off outside the locker room was the headmaster’s son.”

  I groaned aloud. “Just kill me now. This being nice thing is way overrated. And way too hard. Why are you still following me? I have been so rude to you, and told you off more times than even I care to count and admit to.”

  “Well, I am curious about you. I want to get to know you better. You are not like other girls, that’s for sure. Besides, the general seems to think we would make an excellent couple, and I know you like him and trust his opinion.”

  I sighed, “The general wants to punish me for not paying attention in class. You are stalking me.”

  “No, I’m not. I only know a little bit. I know you served under him for six months before going to fight the aliens and you were first decorated when coming back from that battle, even though you hit your commander. It was accounted for as post-traumatic stress disorder. An accurate assumption, I would think. Your first battle out and all of your flight mates die. I probably would have hit the man too.”

  “It was a woman.”

  “Oh, then maybe I would have kicked her… does it matter?”

  “For me, yes. It was Jane’s sister.”

  “Your handler’s sister? WOW! She must have been pissed!”

  “Actually, Jane was so happy she got them to give me an award and a rank. However, it didn’t work out so well for me because her sister took over my training entirely, becoming responsible for every part of my training; my own ultimate commander.

  “I had wanted to be a pilot only, and to just learn the basics of ground fighting. Jane wanted me to learn it all and said
her sister was a bitch, but no one would teach me to take a punch better than her. She was right. That lady gave that punch back to me so many times until I learned to defend myself. Now she considers me her most worthy pupil. We get along all right, but she and Jane don’t, so I never see or hear from her.”

  “Well, here is your dorm. I hope your headache goes away.”

  I looked up. “I have homework, so not likely. I basically slept through half of my first class, when I wasn't hurting people, so I have a whole paper to write on the history of three different fighting styles and how they affect today’s world.”

  “That seems a bit harsh.”

  “I agree. I’m gonna get my headache back. And I just got rid of it from walking outside. At least I only had two classes today. Why do we have so few classes?”

  “Because of graduation and the big ceremony. Tomorrow we start dance classes and proper etiquette. Did you graduate from charm school yet, girly?”

  “You should know the answer to that just by hanging out with me.”

  He laughed and looked at me. It was true; I wasn’t much of a charmer. But big talk covers big secrets and that was what I was doing. I opened the door but stopped before entering. “So what is it you wanted to ask me?”

  “What makes you think I wanted to ask you anything?”

  “They way you have been acting. All pliant and trying so hard not to offend me or make me mad. Don’t worry, there are no longer any prying ears listening. I took care of it last night.”

  “How do you know you got them all?”

  “Ouch, you are the second person to doubt me today. Although you have not seen my work, so I can make an allowance for you, but Jane I will still have to punish. Well, let’s just say I know. So shoot.” I rubbed my head. I had gotten through most of life with worse than a headache but coming here was supposed to be like a vacation - with light exercise - for me. Not more stressful than most jobs I took.