Shifting Heroes Read online

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  "Well don’t get your hopes up. Vampires either bask themselves in things that keep their mindset in their glory days as my mother did or they keep things in a manner that doesn’t allow others to read into anything. So no one can unravel their thoughts. Charlotte is one of those."

  Brisa can’t hide her disappointment and I am glad I warned her. Even if the décor means nothing to Charlotte it will be considered an insult if Brisa shows disappointment with it and Charlotte will have to challenge Brisa. Brisa would win hands down, or refuse the challenge. Either way it opens a can of worms we can’t afford to have opened.

  "We need to talk about some rules before we go…behavior is a big thing. You need to make sure you act according to their rules. Exceptions will not be made just because you are not vampires."

  Jason nods and Brisa gives me her full attention. I hate the spotlight. I hate having to insult them this way.

  "Jason you are going to be considered the lowest of the low. I would keep the demon in check until we get down to the secret lab. Do not look anyone in the eye. It would be best to keep your head down and act…well like a servant until we are in private. The whole place until Charlotte's room is bugged and spied upon. Anyone that sees you treating Charlotte like you are her equal will either kill you or challenge her. It's not fair I know, but we do not need that right now. She cannot be challenged, not because of us if we want Beth back."

  He growls a bit but nods.

  "Why even bother going?"

  "Don't be a dolt your sister may need you. You can fake subservience for a bit. I do it all the time in the Fae world."

  Brisa has a point. Though now she is not a weak little half breed. Before she’d been a half breed, only good as a servant. Now she rivals their lords. She is not going to be challenged anytime soon. They are still trying to figure out how to deal with her. It helps she has been in and out of the world to help us. Gives them some breathing room. The day will come when they will have to make a decision, and so will she. I don’t envy either side for that decision process.

  "Brisa you are infinitely more powerful. Do not look down for anyone. When you meet Charlotte do not bow like Jason. Instead incline you head to show respect to her as the leader while making her realize you are a power to contend with. She will not care, but again this is a show for the seethe. We need this to go smoothly."

  "Do I shake her hand?"

  "If she offers first. If not no."

  Brisa is less offended. She is so used to dancing around fickle powerful people and growing up in a civilization with such a hierarchy makes her more adaptable. At least I won’t have to worry about her. I am kind of hoping Samigina will take over for Jason…if they promise not to get offended and kill anyone. I am not sure which blow up would be the worst. Maybe if we carried him in unconscious…

  "Brian we will follow your lead. Won't we Jason?"

  Despite the smile Brisa wears everyone in the room can hear the warning in her voice. She has sworn to help Beth. Beth saved her and she is determined to return what is owed. I want to point out that Beth wouldn’t demand it but I know how stubborn the Fae are about their honor. Brisa is not about to listen to me and my logic. Even if she were inclined to listen she is a powerful ally we can’t afford to lose right now.

  Chapter Seven

  As much as I coached them on responses and correct behavior I am a bit worried about my reception. After all I committed assault last time I was there. Charlotte likely won’t be concerned but she has to protect her people if she wants them to trust her.

  Nothing I can do but hope she wouldn't kill me. I am not crazed like yesterday but my fuse is very short right now and I am positive if she takes offense I will use the extra oomph Brisa gave me the wrong way.

  I don’t want to strike out at Charlotte, or any of the vampires for that matter, I don't entirely regret what I had done to Beth's mother. She really had it coming. But I know it wasn't the diplomatic way to handle things. I will have to go along with whatever punishment Charlotte deems necessary. I just have to hope it won't be too bad.

  When it is time to go back to the mansion, back to Beth, back to her treatment, I am slow. I am not sure how I feel about it. I know it has to be done but I still can't bring myself to hope it will work. So many things have failed already.

  We all pile into Jason's rented car, my motorcycle won't carry that many people on it and we don't want Brisa to arrive flying because then she will be seen as a threat to the vampires. The vampire-Fae relationship is not bad, but it’s not good either.

  Jason drives silently, smoothly, going as fast and efficiently as possible. I wonder if it is the demon in control, him holding Jason's emotions in check. Or perhaps Jason is in shock over what he is about to witness. In shock before it even begins. Or maybe he has just given up hope; maybe he doesn't think this will work either. I can't blame him. I have lost hope as well, but Brisa is right that Beth wouldn't give up on us and we can't give up on her. Still I can't make Jason believe so I just have to wait for him to reveal his hand and deal with it accordingly.

  He pulls into the driveway, parks, takes a deep breath and exhales…squares his shoulders and gets out of the car with nerves all of us feel. It is not so much about belief anymore, the fact that we are nervous I guess proves that, and away we go.

  Whether it makes her crazier, or hopefully less insane, we need to be there. We walk inside the house. Jason stays at the back, head down, following our footsteps, I walk next to Brisa. I don't look down nor away, the others here are waiting to see if Charlotte will accuse me or defend me. If she will hurt me, kick me out, cut off all relations with my family. Not that there are any.

  I wait to see how it will be handled and I can do nothing but the same. Brisa startles everyone, power glowing, her swirly tattoos pulsating power. It is keeping the vamps around us off our backs no one is coming anywhere near us. She is a supernatural powerhouse right now and no one, I mean no one, wants to mess with that.

  They have always been a bit of a mystery to the rest of us, their connection with nature, their so-called dependency on it. And yet they are easily the most powerful of us all…easily. We all wish we could be an immortal never-ending power. Growing century after century. It does happen with vamps to an extent, but there is only so much power a vampire can accumulate, there is no such limitation with the Fae.

  I see Charlotte look toward us, the others part like the Red Sea to Moses, Brisa inclines her head and Charlotte returns the favor holding out her hand. They shake; Charlotte gives her one of her sweetest smiles I have ever seen on a vampire. I am not sure if it is a good sign or not.

  "Well, I've had many supernatural's come through the doors but I must say a full-blooded Fae has never been one of them. Your people tend to keep to themselves if there full-blooded."

  Brisa beams and laughs, it is as merry as a bell on Christmas morning. The others instantly relax around her. I know a bit about her powers, she is spreading comforting warm fuzzy feelings in the air. I don’t think she is doing it on purpose; it is perhaps a self-defense mechanism recognizing Charlotte as another predator. Still I am glad to know that Brisa can take care of herself and that the others won't willingly charge her.

  "Well ma'am I'm not actually a full-blooded… technically. I had a human father, but that hardly matters now as I have a lot more power than many of my brethren. With the demon ceremony and all."

  The others look away, I can see a bit of scorn, but a bit of fear too. A bit of hate. Charlotte had come back from a demon ceremony a living vampire once again. Once again able to walk around in the day, not limited the way she was as an undead. Many here resent it I can tell, but those that will want to do something about it have tried and failed the rest too cowardly.

  After talking to Brisa for a few minutes about her specialty, the air element, she turns toward me still smiling but with stony eyes.

  "Brian you attacked my daughter, the current heir to my house, what have you to say about that?"

  "Only that she had it coming. Her disrespect for me and your granddaughter pushed me beyond my control. However, I shouldn't have lost control in your house. I admit it, but she is not entirely without blame. You should know that. I will accept any form of punishment you deem needed."

  Charlotte tapped her chin with her finger her simple neatly manicured nail clicking against her delicate chin. She seems deep in thought but I bet she already knows everything I said and has an idea on what my punishment will be.

  "Well she will be dealt with for thinking it is okay to insult a guest of mine in my house, or for insulting my granddaughter whom I care for very deeply. But you also know the laws of the vampires. It is up to me to punish you as well. The young often forget their manners until it has been carved into their flesh at least once."

  I am not sure if the others have picked up on her faulting her daughter, earlier she said ‘heir for now’. Or were they too caught up in seeing me punished? Is her seethe smart enough to feel the change in the wind?

  "Yes ma'am and that is why I will accept any punishment you deem necessary. I just ask that you please wait until after today, in twenty-four hours I will be prepared for any punishment you dole out. I won't run, I won't hide. I will accept your decision, any decision you should make."

  "You are a vampire of your word…so be it. In twenty-four hours I shall punish you to the full extent of our laws. Be prepared."

  I nod. I promised even knowing I will have no idea of what the punishment consists of until it is doled out. Likely flogging, a week without blood, something of the sort. There are many different punishments, each house tends to favor a different. Charlotte didn't have many acts against her in her entire time of ruling, most have never dared to cross any line, so I don't know what to expect. It leaves things up in the air and open, but that is fine. It is what I deserve and I will accept the punishment. I am just glad she is going to let me be here for Beth.

  "Marvelous. Not that everything is settled all of you follow me to my room. We have something to discuss."

  We incline our heads, or bowed depending on our station, and followed her. I let Brisa go first as her and Charlotte are considered equals here. They start to chat as they walk. Jason follows behind and I take up the rearguard. Charlotte has not acknowledged Jason and though I know it is on purpose, because he is considered unimportant to the others and she doesn’t want to draw attention to a shifter in her den, the others might take that as an opportunity to attack him. To poke fun at him, to play with him. He is not a vampire therefore he won’t really be considered under the normal laws. I am not going to let that happen.

  Jason can defend himself with the demon inside, but I don't want to see that destruction, and neither would Beth. Another potential option is the demon. So far he is held in check by Jason…if the host is attacked and fails to protect himself all hell will break loose. That is an even worse option. So I take up the rearguard glaring and hissing away at any who even thinks to get near us. Since I haven’t been publicly humiliated by Charlotte yet they take it that I am still at least a little bit in her good graces and back off.

  I can tell there is resentment built up over the fact that we outsiders are being invited into her private quarters. Whereas those that have been loyal to her for life are never invited, are never allowed, in there. Still it is her problem not mine. It is not my place to point out that if they were truly loyal they would accept that she has reason and give up, move on, respect her decision. The politics of vampires couldn't be a more complicated system if someone tried to make it so.

  Once we get to Charlotte's room and the secret passageway she lets us through and the four of us walk down the steps. Brisa and Jason in the front talking. Charlotte stays back and talks to me. I am nervous at first, but I should've trusted Charlotte. I can see a lot of Beth in her… or I should say a lot of Charlotte in Beth, she'll end up more like her grandmother… just less devious and more upfront. And she is not a vampire queen or princess or leader… whatever they want to call themselves now. So Beth has no reason for the arrogance and devious personality that comes with the job.

  "I'm sorry I will have to punish you. If it makes it better I could do the punishment at your home and bring back proof."

  It is kind of her offer and I know it will make her look weak in front of her followers and I can’t allow that so I shake my head."

  "No. I will come here, you will flog me, you will have your people drag me back home, Brisa and Jason can care for me until I am healed. I deserve it. I know the laws, the rules; I was just pushed beyond my limits that day. I just… I couldn't take it."

  She nods, pats my hand, and gives me a small tight smile.

  "Oh if anyone understands it's me. I am starting to lose hope we will get her back as well. Which doesn't really leave much hope that I can cure the other vampires of their insanity, she's a half blood and this difficult…imagine how hard a full blooded would be…well its discouraging."

  I nod understanding she is not wrong. A full-blooded vampire in a blood craze, lost to insanity, I can't imagine it will be easier to heal them. I can't imagine anything about this whole situation being easy. And I can't imagine how to survive if we fail. Charlotte has been at this for decades and with no success.

  The fact that she has held on this long makes her almost invincible in my mind. I lost hope after a couple of weeks, that doesn't bode well for me and my sanity in the future. Hopefully I can hold on. Hold onto Beth, my life, my sanity. But I am not nearly old enough to worry about such things, still would be nice to know that there is a cure before I get to that point. So I will put my faith in Charlotte not just for Beth but for my own future as well.

  We arrive in the basement and I am absolutely terrified. They have already tranquilized and moved her. She is strapped down to a chair; I look at her studying her for symptoms and changes. She is pale from lack of food and sunlight. There's been no way to feed her except an IV when she is unconscious. She is thinner, her bones stick out, she's always been thin but now…now she looks like the dead come back to life. Pale, sweaty, too thin. All the muscle she gained from her job has wasted away. I am surprised she still has the strength to attack us, but as long as we keep her hydrated and get blood and nutrients in her system she will be stronger. Even a starving vampire is stronger than the average human.

  "Are you sure you agree to this Brian? She left us both in charge. I need to hear you say it."

  I look to Charlotte take a deep breath and let it out eyes closed trying to reach for the calm that I found last night. This has to be done. It is our only option left for now. Sure we can wait and see if we can think of something else…but we have to try everything. I open my eyes and look right at Charlotte and hold out my hand for her to grasp.

  "Yes I want to do this."

  Chapter Eight

  She nods to the scientists who nods their agreement. They turn on all the machinery, the whizzing makes me shake a little. Even a predator is scared of electrocution; too much of anything like that can kill us. I am smart and logical enough to realize that. I hold the fear in and look over those present the scientists, the capture team with tranquilizers and a couple of backup guns safely holstered. Brisa is standing there her eyes half lidded but I know she is fully aware because her tattoos pulse brighter than the lights above us.

  I shiver thinking about what she can do. She is far more dangerous than the electricity; being an air Fae in all likelihood she can summon lightning. Knowing that she is more powerful than her half-breed self I am not taking any chances. No one wants to get struck down by lightning from the heavens… literally.

  When I look at Jason I expect to see fear and worry… maybe guilt. After all he still blames himself for the situation even though I have forgiven him, even though I know Beth has forgiven him. Instead I see the stone faced demon Samigina standing there, inside Jason's body, power swirling in his eyes. Not as bright as when Beth hosted two of them, but they look bright enough.

>   Even being a minor demon from another world I know what he is capable of and I know that if he has to he will unleash it on Beth to save everyone here. It's what she would want. Still doesn't stop me from worrying that it will happen so before he can look at me and cast that old wise gaze upon me and see right through my so-called bravado I turn back to what is going on with the scientists. They both stand back and go next to machinery. They look to Charlotte and me waiting for orders.

  "Should we provide a small shock now to bring her out of whatever it is she's in? Wake her up a little at a time or should we wait let her wake naturally?"

  Charlotte taps her fingers on the arm of the chair, her nails shredding against whatever material it is. It is strong because it is not indenting or ripping as she taps. I am surprised but don’t care that much. Still with Beth being part vampire and part shifter it might be useful to get hardy furniture when she comes home. She won't be able to kill it as quickly as she does now.

  "Give her some adrenaline to wake her up."

  One of the scientists drops her clipboard and stares at her shocked. I myself am a bit shocked. Adrenaline… that will just make Beth stronger. Are we sure the straps can hold her? Waking her up naturally would mean the medication wears off slowly leaving her groggy when we start. Adrenaline is like asking for her to be instantly awake and alert ready to kill us all.

  I look Charlotte over. She stares straight ahead at the scientists not looking to me for confirmation. She is not backing down. She believes this is the right move; the scientists do gaze at me from the corner of their eyes. I nod. The all or nothing strategy Beth often holds when hunting; now it is my turn. No more Mr. indecisive. No now I will go for gung ho.