Adopted Into the Supernatural Read online

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  "I thought maybe a muse since you are so good at art, but lots of humans can create art too and they aren't muses so I honestly have no idea."

  Her words knock me out of my musings and actually bring a small smile to my face. She thinks I am a muse? She is off by a lot. Then again, in Hollywood vampires drink from live sources, we rarely do anymore; it is all blood bags now. Also, they burn in the sun or if you believe the current trend, we sparkle in the daylight. The only thing that sparkles on me in the sunlight is any jewelry my family makes me wear to court when we attend. The current obsession with vampires actually makes it easier to hide as everyone has their own opinions on what we are like… and they are all wrong.

  "I'm not. A muse, I mean."

  She blushes but actually keeps eye contact. Well, I may have embarrassed us both, but at least she can look at me again without flinching.

  "It's not you Alastair. I'm having… a personal issue. I'm sorry it's affecting our project, it won't happen again."

  At least that is taken care of.


  I know Alastair wouldn’t have said anything if he hadn't been worried about the project. He is a straight-A student, a valedictorian shoo-in. If they had any such title here. I try to focus on the rest of the class. I don’t speak as much as normal, but I manage to push my nightmares to the back of my mind so as not to embarrass myself again.

  I also feel a bit guilty. It seems a lot of people here are scared of Alastair and I can’t figure out why. He hasn't been in any fights since enrolling over a year ago, he hasn't even been sent to the principal for lewd remarks or sarcasm. He doesn’t speak enough to insult anyone. I made him think I am scared of his species, whatever the hell it is. Maybe it is his height. At seventeen he is just a bit over six feet. That is intimidating.

  I never wondered before if he enjoyed my conversation. No one else speaks to him or even acknowledges him. Had he actually missed our conversation today? Even though it is filled with ranting that he finds pointless, and thinks of as a complete waste of time. Hmm, that is food for thought for a day I am not asleep sitting up.

  The bell rings and I quickly excuse myself. Running to the basement, I hope my potions teacher will take pity on me and go easy. Turns out the couch in her office is not for scolding groups of students but for her, or anyone really, to nap on when falling asleep on their feet.

  After school, I have to make up my potions class. Still, it had been nice to get a nap somewhere that I feel safe from prying eyes and sarcastic remarks. The rest of the day had been spent in a still sleepy, but not entirely asleep on my feet, haze.

  When leaving the potions lab after finishing, I think about going to find my tree before remembering our football team has a game today. What the hell kind of supernaturals played football? Apparently, a lot, because the stadium is full. It is too loud and busy to do my homework or go to an early bed so I head for the stadium.

  I sit and watch the game in a partial trance until I see Adam smiling at me. Hoping to avoid him, I leave early. I should’ve known better, for he only follows me and his pack follows him. Running only excites the predator, but I can’t help it. I am being plagued at night by dreams of my stepfather and by Adam during the day. My mind has finally reached the breaking point so instead of finding a crowd of people that hate Adam, which is not hard, I run. It is dumb, but an overtired, overworked mind doesn’t always do the rational thing.

  I am pushed against a brick wall with him pressing between my legs before I can even squeal in surprise. I thrash, panicking, but he just pushes his arm into my chest harder and smiles.

  "Silly human. Did you think you could escape me?"

  "Let me go, please."

  "Amber, I always get what I want. I haven't dallied with a human before. I want to now. You are the only human around, so even though you aren't pretty, you'll have to do."

  The other guys snicker and roll their eyes. I am not pretty. I have always heard that from my mom. Boring brown hair, boring brown eyes, and pale skin that doesn’t see enough sun. I am too thin from not getting enough to eat and smart enough for my brain to be a reason guys think I am unattractive. Still, the way he makes me feel like a hooker, well, it is reminiscent of my stepfather and I can’t stop the violent shaking that rakes through my body.

  "Stop it. I don’t want to fuck a jumping bean!"

  The others howl and laugh. I am providing them with all kinds of amusement it seems. I am not trying to, I am just too scared to do anything other than shake and whimper. He releases me and tosses me sideways. I fall to the ground, skinning my hands and knees, ripping my jeans. Dammit, this is the only pair of pants I have for a week. Now there is dirt and blood on them, not to mention all the sweat covering my clothing because of his ministrations to my person.

  "Get out of my sight. You aren't worth the trouble until your brain is no longer deranged. If you ever challenge me again, I won't stop next time. All of us will fuck you in front of one another. What do you think about that?"

  I grab my bag and run, ignoring the pain in my knees. I don’t want to think about that or anything for a long, long time.


  Amber runs off, tears streaming down her face. If Adam had tried to push it any further I would have stepped in. I don’t want her to see me kick his ass, but at that point, it wouldn’t have been avoidable. She is terrified right now. Not of me or really of Adam. She is terrified of men. I don’t know why or what happened in the last few days, and I can’t do anything about it, but I am going to take care of one problem right now.

  "Adam, leave the human alone."

  His response is to smile at his friends and cross his arms, looking back at me, teeth bared.

  "You haven't marked her, she isn't yours."

  "I don’t have to mark her for her to be mine. You know we aren't allowed to mark anyone under eighteen." I follow the rules, even if he doesn’t.

  "Ahh yes golden boy, remind me again of the rules imposed on you by your king. How much ass kissing did you do to get in line to the throne?"

  In reality, my mother is distantly related to the king of vampires. He makes rules, my mother and father have been enforcers of said rules, bringing peace and harmony to the world with many different species. I am related to her; hence I am tenth in line to the throne. That many vampires, all with personal guards, well let's just say it will take more than an invading country to kill them all.

  I will never see the throne, especially since my mother is ninth in line and I wouldn’t wish her death. I am fine with never seeing it, but for some reason, no one but my parents believe me. And even they think it is because I will have to deal with others and that I wish to avoid doing so at all costs.

  "If you have a problem with my noble blood, fine, we can fight about it. However, you will leave the human alone or I will report you and I will make sure there is a memory witch present to see what I just saw. You will be expelled. How would your Alpha feel about that? Drawing attention to the pack by harassing a human."

  He growls and the others start to sprout fur. He has better self-control, so he stays human and not a single spot has new hair sprouting. That impresses me… but only a little.

  "I don’t think you would."

  I laugh, an ironic sounding laugh, but a laugh nonetheless.

  "I would greatly enjoy getting you expelled, mutt. You are what make people believe such a noble breed of creatures consist of nothing more than mangy dogs."

  His shape grows and changes until there is a towering wolf on two feet before me. Nice half-form. He is a decent fighter by the judge of it, but he is not good enough to beat me. Of that I am sure.

  After running from Adam and his goons I find a more secure spot on campus to hide. I don’t sleep. The wolves can sniff me out and I don’t want to be unprepared. But, I do finally allow myself to curl into a ball and cry out as much of the angst as I can.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning is harder than the one before be
cause I know Adam would be looking for me. As I walk into the classroom I become aware of the fact that I haven't slept in days, I am wearing the same clothing as yesterday which smell of sweat, blood, and—if any Fae has a really good nose—fear and desperation. I had finger brushed all the green from me and brushed off as much dirt as I could. But I hadn't had a chance to change once I realized the time. So I ran in looking like I have been dragged down a road tied to the back of a car. Everyone either turns to look at me, to sneer or turns away from my stench. I put my head in my hands until the teacher calls us together. Today will be one of those days.


  Amber looks even worse than yesterday and smells it as well. Many are wrinkling their noses and trying to back away without being too obvious. She hides behind a curtain of hair as much as possible. I don’t look at the teacher but instead stare in her direction wondering what is going on with her. She always was skinny and looked underfed, but now it looks like she hasn't eaten in days. Come to think of it, she hasn't been in the lunchroom much. Since Adam stepped up his harassment she has skipped lunch. Hopefully, that won't be an issue anymore since it looks like she isn’t getting much to eat at home if she even goes home.

  We are told to break into our groups and she stays sitting. I rise when it becomes obvious she is not moving from the corner in which she sits. Odd, normally I am the one to hide from people. Though, looking like that, I can’t blame her.

  I sit down across from her and wait for her to say anything. Instead, she shoves her notebook at me. I grab it, reading, and she waits patiently, giving off nervous ticks left and right without realizing it.

  "This is a good start. I have a few ideas for you to incorporate if possible."

  She nods.

  "We can discuss it tonight. Where's the art piece?"

  Full sentences today. That is an improvement.

  "In the art room that we will be working in after school."

  She nods and looks around, almost nervous. She is so use to getting abused; she is nervous when it doesn’t happen. I shake my head. Not my problem. I am neither the type to notice these things or to care. I pull out my notebook as much for her to read my ideas as to distract myself.


  She grabs the book, not seeming to be at all offended by my surly tone and impatience.

  "I actually had thought of this, but I wasn’t sure how to incorporate it. As for this, I think since it's only in one or two of the versions of the legend, it might be best to make a side note but leave it out of the presentation."

  She goes through my workpiece by piece as we talk about what to incorporate, what to cut and what needs editing on the paper so far. I begin to relax as she begins to be my partner more and more. Finally, normalcy.

  Adam doesn’t bother me. In fact, he comes into class almost halfway through and has a bloody lip, a bandaged arm, and a nice purple splotch across his jaw. My mouth drops. Who kicked his ass and can I shake their hands and hire them as a bodyguard?

  "Wow, look at his face!"

  "He has good hearing."

  Alastair doesn’t look up from his paper which I have highlighted, scribbled, and just plain made a mess of. I am not sure if he is offended that I have dissected his ideas so thoroughly, but if so he says nothing.

  "I know I'll pay for it later, but it is the coolest thing I have seen since being here."

  Considering I have seen four-inch tall pixies with little adorable wings, that is saying something. Alastair rolls his eyes and snorts. Likely he doesn’t give a damn. He usually doesn’t as long as it doesn’t involve him.

  "I know he doesn’t bully you, but, no one does. For those of us that are his victims, we must find that guy that did it and buy him a thank you card. One of the hallmark ones that sing. It seems more heartfelt if the card sings, don’t you think?"

  "I've no idea but I doubt the party involved would want a singing card."

  I turn back to Alastair. Figuring I will break my chair if I stay turned too long. I can’t help but smile. He is no nonsense today, well every day, really. He needs fun. Even more than me, and considering my life, that is saying something.

  "Alastair, who do you think did it?"

  "Someone stronger than a pack of werewolves."

  "You think he or she took on the whole pack?"

  "Any good pack will protect its leader. The alpha has to fight one on one in a direct combat challenge. Otherwise, if you antagonize one you deal with the pack as a whole."

  "Like one big protective family."


  "Sounds nice." It does. Not that it hadn’t been used to harass me, but that they look out for one another. Alastair pauses and glances at me before looking back at his paper.

  "I suppose so. I prefer to depend on myself only. I know what I am capable of and then I can't be disappointed if no one meets my expectations."

  Sometimes he says these things and I am positive he has an even worse life than me.


  Amber's face is pure longing as I speak of how a wolf pack works. I am only keeping up a conversation, hoping she won’t notice the horrendous noises her stomach are making, confirming I’d been right about her not eating enough.

  "I wish they hadn't beaten him so bad. It's likely to make him angry and I don’t want to be the punching bag he takes it out on."

  "He won't. He will be expelled should he further harass you or anyone else."

  I make sure to say it loud enough so all those he torments will know it. I don’t want to have to deal with him more than once. His expulsion is easier. I had been bitten and it is sore. I wear a long sleeve to cover it; it is just early enough in the spring for people not to question it. Not that anyone would have the nerve to question me anyway.

  Mother and father hadn't been pleased when I got in trouble for fighting, but none of us were expelled and that is all that is important. That and that I took down a pack of wolves alone with only a bite and scratch to show for it. Normally any wound inflicted to either Adam or I would heal, but it will take blood straight from the vein to heal a wound inflicted by a werewolf and that is once the werewolf venom is no longer in my system. As it will take Adam raw, fresh game to heal the wounds I had inflicted on him after removing my venom in his system. It looks like he hadn't been able to get out for a hunt last night. Poor him.

  "How do you know so much when you don’t gossip with anyone but me?"

  "I just do."

  Adam likely won’t appreciate me telling everyone I kicked his ass. I don’t care about his feelings, but I also don’t want awkward thanks and all that so I am just as content as he to keep it to myself.

  "Well, thanks for sharing what you do know."

  I nod, not looking up. I can feel her staring at me. Everyone has stopped staring at her in favor of staring at Adam, wondering who would have stood up to him. It says a lot about how reclusive I am that, even though Adam and I hate each other, no one thinks of me. My parents will be upset if they know I am that far off the shore.

  They sent me to high school thinking it was time for me to have a normal life. What is normal, anyway? I am fairly certain most teenagers wouldn’t consider being a vampire of noble descent attending a high school of like individuals as normal. No, we would seem like bigger freaks than we already do in a world where we are vastly outnumbered. Silly humans and even sillier us.

  When the bell rings we pack our stuff and stand to leave. She walks beside me today, not hurrying to her next class as usual. Likely testing my theory that she is safe from Adam from now on. He proves me right when he leaves the room before everyone else, not saying a word to anyone, not even those in his close group of pack brothers. She moves closer for just a moment so he can get by without brushing against her. It takes just that simple brushing of her arm against mine to ignite the bite marks he left on me. I suck in a breath and hold it for a moment, trying to get control of the pain.

  Amber looks at me sharply, then looks at my long slee
ves and where Adam has practically run out the door. She sighs but looks at me with that silly smile on her face.

  "Thanks. Let me know if you need any help. I'll see you after school. In the art room with the balcony, right? I know you like the upstairs with a glass ceiling and window walls. Good lighting."

  She hurries off to her next class with nothing more than a wave. She hadn't given me away. More and more I am glad that I decided to help her.


  At the end of the day, I enter the art room looking for Alastair. He is already on the balcony, pencil in hand. Who knew someone so stoic could be so artistic? I grab the tiny container from my potions class out of my bag and walk up the stairs. My potions teacher had been nice enough to let me deviate from the assignment today. It was too easy for me anyway and she knew it.

  "Hey, pull up your sleeves and un-bandage yourself."

  I asked my teacher, very remotely and on the down low, what cured a werewolf bite on an unknown supernatural. She gave me a recipe that will work on any supernatural, but will be painful. Alastair is tough enough to take it, I am sure.


  At least he doesn’t play stupid. I would’ve had to smack him if he decided to act ignorant. I should’ve known better, being straightforward is his way.

  "I have something to push the venom out of the wounds so they heal faster."

  "That is a painful process and takes hours."

  "It won't take hours, it'll be minutes, I promise." Well, my teacher and I estimated it would only take minutes considering how strong my potions and creams usually come out compared to the original recipes.

  "There is no such potion or cream that I am aware of."

  "Hmmm." He doesn’t know what my power is, why I am here. Likely he thinks I am just a human that found out about them all and am here in exchange for silence. It has happened before, according to a siren I share a class with. It is the only reason really that humans are ever here. No wonder I get so much shit.